Our Mailing Address:
202 Augusta Circle
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 1 856-630-6688
Fax: 1 856-727-9531
E-Mail: info@dantoalandassociates.com
Website: http://www.dantoalandassociates.com
We have services to meet any and every need.
With over a decade of ministry experience and having worked with many Churches in successfully planning what to build, how much to build, and when to build it, Daniel J. Toal & Associates Church Consultants are experts at translating your ministry goals and dreams into practical building solutions…for the present and the future.
About Us
We have assisted in securing church funds which have aided in such projects as refinancing for better terms and conditions on existing loans, purchasing new facilities and the renovation of existing facilities.
We look forward to continued growth in this vital service and with God's grace we hope to assist many more ministries in need.